Rogue Scholar Gönderileri

DevelopmentRstatsTeachingBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in quantixed

How can we teach “R for cell biologists” rather than teaching R to cell biologists? I’ve noticed that many R training courses will teach R – regardless of who is taking the course – and leave it to the participants to figure out how they can use R in their own discipline.

Open AccessOpen ScienceUrheberrechtWissenschaftskommunikationSosyal BilimlerAlmanca
Yayınlandı in

Dieser Blogpost dokumentiert zentrale Aussagen zu Open-Science-Themen in den Parteiprogrammen zur Bundestagswahl 2025 am 23. Februar 2025 von AFD, BSW, CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Grünen und Linke. AFD Im Wahlprogramm der AFD (PDF) wird Open Science nicht spezifisch adressiert.

ROpen-sourcePackage DevelopmentDOIDiğer Tıp Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Yazarlar Joshua Lambert, Chris Hartgerink

Note This is a follow-up blog post to the Dual licensing R packages with code and data post published in September 2024. It contains learnings from submitting epiparameter to CRAN with a dual license. Overview of previous blog post on R package licensing We previously published a post on the Epiverse-TRACE blog discussing the importance of licensing code and data for open source.

CommunityCode Of ConductGovernanceBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Yazarlar Yanina Bellini Saibene, Mark Padgham, Natalia Morandeira

Maintaining Community Trust and Safety The rOpenSci community is supported by our Code of Conductwith a clear description of unacceptable behaviors,instructions on how to make a report,and information on how reports are handled.We, the Code of Conduct Committee,are responsible for receiving, investigating, deciding,enforcing and reporting on all reports of potential violations of our Code.We are committed to transparency with our community

BooksDoğa Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Biopragmatics
Yazar Charles Tapley Hoyt

Here’s the books I read in 2024. If I were Dudley Dursley, I’d be very upset that I read one fewer new book than in 2023. But then, I’d remember that I re-read a lot of Cosmere in 2024 to prepare for Wind and Truth , which was great.

WikidataBibliometricsOpen DataDoğa Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Biopragmatics
Yazar Charles Tapley Hoyt

I was working on making data about scholarly conferences more FAIR and a big question crossed my mind: what are all the conference venues? This post is about some queries I wrote for Wikidata, data issues I found, and a few drive-by curations that I did while looking for an answer, and my ideas for the future.

Science FictionBiotechnologyDiğer Mühendislik ve Teknolojilerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in The Connected Ideas Project
Yazar Alexander Titus

They say the system is perfect, but perfection always comes at a cost. I should know—I helped build it. In the 22nd century, health isn’t just a right, a privilege, or even a commodity. It’s currency. Every breath, every heartbeat, every productive hour has a price tag.

Rogue ScholarBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Front Matter

Continuing the work on streamlining the DOI assignment for new blog posts in the Rogue Scholar science blog archive, I discovered and fixed a major bug. Rogue Scholar DOIs strings are generated from a random number and include a checksum. It turns out that this checksum was wrong, affecting all Rogue Scholar posts generated with the commonmeta Go library between May 2024 and today.