Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Abhishek Tiwari

Since 2009, I have published over 125 articles on this blog, creating a space where my work intersects with the rigor of academic research and the applied challenges of industry. This platform has grown beyond a personal archive. It has become a resource for researchers, industry practitioners, and students alike. It currently attracts more than 18k monthly visitor from across the globe.

The pews of the Internet Archive back in 2018. tl;dr: Posts on this blog are now automatically archived, indexed and full-text searchable through The Rogue Scholar . The jury might still be out on whether the small or indie web will make a comeback, but I’ve personally enjoyed posting more on my blog here in recent months.

Published in GigaBlog

GigaBlog is now archived in Rogue Scholar, a new service that provides what it calls “science blogging on steroids” through including full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata for science blogs such as ours. While this July we celebrated the 11 th anniversary of the launch of our first articles at ISMB in Lyon, it was actually the 12 th anniversary of the launch of GigaBlog, the blog of GigaScience

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Authors Daniel Falster, Rich FitzJohn, Remko Duursma, Diego Barneche

Despite the hype around “big data”, a more immediate problem facing many scientific analyses is that large-scale databases must be assembled from a collection of small independent and heterogeneous fragments – the outputs of many and isolated scientific studies conducted around the globe. Collecting and compiling these fragments is challenging at both political and technical levels.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Authors Rich FitzJohn, Matt Pennell, Amy Zanne, Will Cornwell

Science is reportedly in the middle of a reproducibility crisis. Reproducibility seems laudable and is frequently called for (e.g., nature and science). In general the argument is that research that can be independently reproduced is more reliable than research that cannot be independently reproduced.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Thomas J. Leeper

Reproducible research involves the careful, annotated preservation of data, analysis code, and associated files, such that statistical procedures, output, and published results can be directly and fully replicated. As the push for reproducible research has grown, the R community has responded with an increasingly large set of tools for engaging in reproducible research practices (see, for example, the ReproducibleResearch Task View on CRAN).

Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Since I have gotten into the habit of quoting some of my posts in other contexts, I have started to also archive them using WebCite. One can quote the resulting archive as: Rzepa, Henry. Quintuple bonds.  2010-04-18. URL: Accessed: 2010-04-18. (Archived by WebCite ® at There is one issue though.