Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in OpenCitations blog
Author Chiara Di Giambattista

OpenCitations and the Barcelona Declaration are happy to announce that the call for participation and contributions to the Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025 is now open.  After the success of the 2023 edition, this edition of the Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata (WOOC) will take place in Bologna , on 28-29 May 2025 . –

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maatje Sophia Duine

In September 2024, the 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators was held in Berlin. The conference theme: ‘Into the great wide open?’ was explored in a wide variety of presentations, posters and panel discussions. Topics ranged from reforming research assessment, researcher mobility and policy impact to bibliodiversity, data sharing and researcher mobility, and much more.

Published in A blog by Ross Mounce

So I read Jeffrey Brainard’s piece in Science magazine on Clarivate’s decision to punish eLife for innovating – by stripping eLife of a proprietary Journal Impact Factor™ number, that Clarivate itself awards (sidenote: to be clear, I see no value in Journal Impact Factors as they are statistically illiterate, irreproducible, and easily gameable, amongst many other issues that have long been documented). With the

Published in Jabberwocky Ecology

Interested in using computer vision to help understand, manage, and conserve nature? We hiring for a new position to join our team working on models, software, and community outreach in our existing projects using airborne imagery to monitor and understand natural systems at large scales. The Weecology lab at the University of Florida has an opening for a computer vision developer to join our team.

Published in GigaBlog

Reaching new highs in Cannabis sativa Omics There is a growing interest in Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) research, and recent changes in regulations have spurred numerous genomic studies of this once-prohibited plant. Industrial hemp and medical marijuana are now global multibillion-dollar industries, but due to its widespread prohibition in the 20th and early 21st century it […]

The post Getting deep into the weeds of Cannabis genomics: Join our first Cassyni Seminar appeared first on GigaBlog.

Published in GigaBlog

GigaScience Press is helping CitizenScience.Asia mobilise Citizen Scientists Across Asia for a groundbreaking biodiversity initiative from October 18 to 27 2024. Regular readers will have seen our efforts to promote and amplify citizen science projects, citizen science being a key driver of “Open Engagement of Societal Actors”, which was highlighted by UNESCO as one of the four fundamental pillars of Open Science (and flagged

Published in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

tl;dr: I handed in my resignation back in early July and will be leaving my job - and the UK - at the end of October to go on a sabbatical. This could have been a long and rambling post about all the problems with academia and/or the tech industry, but at the end of the day Lucidity’s Quitting My Job For The Way Of Pain already made most of the aspects in a more fun way than I could hope to deliver them, so I’ll try to

Published in Open Access Brandenburg
Author Ben Kaden

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