Rogue Scholar Posts

Adventures In CodeComputingFIJIImageJTftbBiological Sciences
Published in quantixed

The Process_Folder template in Fiji is a wonderful thing. It’s the starting point of most of the ImageJ macros that we use in the lab. However, it has a problem. This post is about how to fix it. tl;dr use this gist instead of the built-in template. The Process_Folder template If you’re reading this, you probably know that the Process_Folder.ijm template is great.

Languages and Literature
Published in Martin Paul Eve

Very few people like thinking about the fact they will die. But it can prove a substantial administrative headache to loved ones if they don’t know about all of your finances, your passwords, your emails etc. At the same time, you shouldn’t be writing down passwords in any document that could be stolen or seen; it’s bad cybersecurity practice.

WikidataWikipathwaysChemical Sciences
Published in chem-bla-ics

A good number of years ago, a colleague and I explored if we could get access to the Retraction Watch Database, but we could not afford it. We have been using data on retractions for curate our databases, like WikiPathways. A database should not contain knowledge based on (only) a retracted article. Wikidata, btw, has a small number (499) of statements supported by retracted articles.

Artificial IntelligenceBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusGiraffatitanLLMEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Here’s a Mastodon thread from a year ago. Just a quick check on how ChatGPT’s getting on … Me: Who reassigned the species Brachiosaurus brancai to its own genus, and when? ChatGPT: The species Brachiosaurus brancai was reassigned to its own genus, Giraffatitan, by the paleontologist Michael Janensch in 1914.

BiologyConservation BiologyExtinctionGenomicsMammalBiological Sciences
Published in GigaBlog

Today is World Pangolin Day!  To celebrate the occasion GigaScience presents a new article, adding two chromosome-scale genome sequences and in-depth genomic analyses. Pangolins are cute, but the reason why it’s important to draw regular attention to these scaly mammals is more sober: Pangolins are the most trafficked wild mammals in the world, with more than 900,000 poached in the past two decades.

BIOhistoriaCVlaylaInvestigaciónDigital💿Biological Sciences
Published in BIOgarabatos

Taller Informática para historia de las ciencias En unos días voy a impartir el taller de  Informática para historia de las ciencias en el que haremos una revisión exhaustiva, minuciosa, detallada y profunda de la información y la informática en la investigación sobre historia de las ciencias.Organizado por el Seminario Universitario de Historia, Filosofía y Estudios de las Ciencias y la Medicina

BlogsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author Melissa Beattie

I have something of an ambivalent relationship with travel documentaries.  While I often enjoy them, as someone who partially specialises in media representation and has lived, worked and travelled outside my country of origin for the majority of my adult life, I frequently find myself critiquing the various portrayals.

CommunityData Citation CorpusData CitationsInstitutionComputer and Information Sciences
Published in Make Data Count
Author Make Data Count Team

DOI: 10.60804/6msz-1759 Views from Peter Cerda, Data Curation Specialist Peter Cerda is a Data Curation Specialist for Workflows and Big Data with the library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He helps students and faculty deposit large, complex datasets into Deep Blue Data Repository;

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceBiotechnologyOther Engineering and Technologies
Published in The Connected Ideas Project
Author Alexander Titus

I was born with brittle bones. Not metaphorically— literally. Osteogenesis imperfecta, Type III. My bones fractured under the weight of my own body. By the time I turned twelve, I’d broken every bone you could name and a few you probably couldn’t. It defined my childhood, shaping every moment of my life into a careful negotiation between risk and inevitability.

CulturaCientificaBiological SciencesSpanish
Published in BIOgarabatos

Cultura científica de la A a la Z Entender, de manera general y actualizada, la información científica es una habilidad indispensable para cualquier ciudadano. De hecho, aunque parezca obvio, para cualquier ámbito de la práctica científica es fundamental reconocer, entender y manejar ágilmente los conceptos, métodos, iniciativas, movimientos y herramientas propias de las ciencias.