Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Rogue ScholarInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive has started to automatically add all blog posts to the subject area community of the blog. Rogue Scholar uses the 48 OECD Fields of Science and Technology subject areas since September 2023 and blog authors pick a subject area when they join Rogue Scholar.

MetaFediverseMastodonCommentingOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

tl;dr: Blog posts here can now have a little button at the bottom that can pull in “comments” that are made by replying to a post on the Fediverse (i.e. Mastodon et al.). Some days ago, I saw the nifty little “comment” integration that FOSS Academic Robert W. Gehl has on his blog, which in turn were inspired by some other integrations.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchLiteratureIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Publicado in Dual Power Supply
Autor Kirk Pollard Smith

I added Flux XII, a US aqueous organic RFB company, R-Flo, a Ukrainian all-iron flow battery company, and Unbound Potential, a Swiss membraneless RFB startup, to the list.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesLiteratureIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Publicado in Dual Power Supply
Autor Kirk Pollard Smith

Allegro Energy When one door redox flow battery startup closes [1], another one opens: with zinc-bromine flow battery company Redflow having closed down within the past year, another Australian RFB startup emerges [2]; [3]. I am attempting the 100 Days To Offload challenge, and this is post #20. References [1] Redflow was the great hope of australian manufacturing. Its collapse left customers with broken batteries, (n.d.).

Elektronisches PublizierenNeuigkeitenOpen AccessProjektVeranstaltungCiencias SocialesAlemán
Publicado in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Diamond Open Access auf dem Weg in die Verstetigung: Am 15. Januar 2025 ist in Madrid der European Diamond Capacity Hub offiziell ins Leben gerufen worden. Alle Akteure rund um das Diamond Open Access Publizieren – institutionelle Publikationsservice, -infrastruktur und -technikanbieter – erhalten darüber für ihre Arbeit praktische und fundierte Unterstützung in mehreren Sprachen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden diese Angebote vorgestellt.

Adventures In CodeComputingFIJIImageJTftbBiologíaInglés
Publicado in quantixed

The Process_Folder template in Fiji is a wonderful thing. It’s the starting point of most of the ImageJ macros that we use in the lab. However, it has a problem. This post is about how to fix it. tl;dr use this gist instead of the built-in template. The Process_Folder template If you’re reading this, you probably know that the Process_Folder.ijm template is great.

Artes VisualesSin Categorí
Publicado in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

Rafael Sosa, DR © Acrílico, pastel sobre papel 70×50 cm Uruapan Michoacán.México, 2023 Redes sociales del artista Instagram Esta es una reproducción digital, con fines de divulgación, de una obra original proporcionada por su autor o propietario. Todos los derechos están reservados por la artista.

WikidataWikipathwaysCiencias QuímicasInglés
Publicado in chem-bla-ics

A good number of years ago, a colleague and I explored if we could get access to the Retraction Watch Database, but we could not afford it. We have been using data on retractions for curate our databases, like WikiPathways. A database should not contain knowledge based on (only) a retracted article. Wikidata, btw, has a small number (499) of statements supported by retracted articles.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés
Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

Very few people like thinking about the fact they will die. But it can prove a substantial administrative headache to loved ones if they don’t know about all of your finances, your passwords, your emails etc. At the same time, you shouldn’t be writing down passwords in any document that could be stolen or seen; it’s bad cybersecurity practice.

Artificial IntelligenceBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusGiraffatitanLLMCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Here’s a Mastodon thread from a year ago. Just a quick check on how ChatGPT’s getting on … Me: Who reassigned the species Brachiosaurus brancai to its own genus, and when? ChatGPT: The species Brachiosaurus brancai was reassigned to its own genus, Giraffatitan, by the paleontologist Michael Janensch in 1914.

BiologyConservation BiologyExtinctionGenomicsMammalBiologíaInglés
Publicado in GigaBlog

Today is World Pangolin Day!  To celebrate the occasion GigaScience presents a new article, adding two chromosome-scale genome sequences and in-depth genomic analyses. Pangolins are cute, but the reason why it’s important to draw regular attention to these scaly mammals is more sober: Pangolins are the most trafficked wild mammals in the world, with more than 900,000 poached in the past two decades.