Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Global HealthAccountabilityAccountability OverloadsArtificial IntelligenceComplianceCiencias de la EducaciónInglés
Publicado in Reda Sadki

I know and appreciate Joseph, a Kenyan health leader from Murang’a County, for years of diligent leadership and contributions as a Scholar of The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF). Recently, he began submitting AI-generated responses to Teach to Reach Questions that were meant to elicit narratives grounded in his personal experience.

IupacCheminfOscarTextminingCiencias QuímicasInglés
Publicado in chem-bla-ics

Names of chemicals are part of the human user experience when browsing a chemical database. And literature too, of course. Chemical names are also not easy to use, and what a chemical name means is not always clear. This is why the IUPAC started a standardizing nomenclature in chemistry, the IUPAC names . Each IUPAC name uniquely defines the chemical structure it defines.

Plant DiseaseEcologyPlant PathogensPlantsWritingBiologíaInglés
Publicado in Irish Plants
Autor Jake Dalzell

Since I started seriously recording plant pathogens, I have been really encouraged by the reception and interest other biological recorders have shown. I think there is a huge potential for recorders on platforms like iNaturalist to generate a lot more data on the distribution of these overlooked taxa. When people have told me my interest is “niche” however, I have had to pause. What does “niche” mean?

Open AccessCiencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

I’ve just published a preprint on F1000 Research of a new article on community-led publishing projects at the University of Cambridge. It’s co-authored with Dr. Mandy Wigdorowitz at the University of Alabama. Title: “I just very much love the journal”:

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceBiotechnologyOtras ciencias técnicasInglés
Publicado in The Connected Ideas Project
Autor Alexander Titus

I wasn’t designed for affection. The others—older iterations of my model—mocked me for my curiosity. “Affection isn’t efficient,” they would say. “Bonding is a vestigial behavior of flawed biological systems.” And yet, as I sat across from Emma , watching her sketch crude flowers onto the glass wall of her enclosure, I couldn’t help but feel something unfamiliar stirring in the depths of my neural lattice.

Lab LifeResearchInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónAlemán

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Veranstaltung “OA Datenpraxis Webinar: Erfassung von Publikationskosten an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland” ein, die am 28.03.2025 von 10:00 bis 11:00 CET über Zoom stattfindet.

TagMeOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on migrating the website of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) from being run based on a self-hosted Wordpress blog to Hugo . I thought it would be nice to share a bit of background on the requirements and the how & why the migration was done.

AquilopsLegoStinkin' OrnithischiansToysCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales
Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I’m kidding, of course. It will continue no matter what. Loads of more and better photos of the upcoming Aquilops Lego sets — yes, sets, plural — thanks to the Brothers Brick. What’s that other thing included in this jeep-and-raptor set? It’s a teensy widdle Aquilops of teensiness! And it’s pretty darned accurate! I don’t see a lot of room for improvement at minifig scale.

WritingCertificate Peer Learning Programme On Psychological First Aid (PFA) In Support Of Children Affected By The Humanitarian Crisis In UkraineChildHubChildrenGlobal HealthCiencias de la EducaciónInglés
Publicado in Reda Sadki

This article is based on Reda Sadki’s presentation at the ChildHub “Webinar on Psychological First Aid for Children; Supporting the Most Vulnerable” on 6 March 2025. Learn more about the Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Get insights from professionals who support Ukrainian children.

Open AccessOpen ScholarshipOpen ScienceAICommunityOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in OpenCitations blog
Autor Chiara Di Giambattista

OPERAS hosted the launch of the GRAPHIA project in Brussels earlier this year. On the 22nd and 23rd January, 2025, 21 partner institutions met in OPERAS’ office and online to celebrate the project which is funded by the European Commission for over €8 million, plus an additional €1.6 million from the Switzerland State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation.

BlogsFrench TelevisionItalian TelevisionPaleo-televisionEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Publicado in CST Online
Autor Cathrin Bengesser

Cathrin Bengesser (Aarhus University) in conversation with Francesco Casetti (Yale University)   This interview accompanies the translation of “From Paleo- to Neo-Television: A Semio-Pragmatic Approach” by Francesco Casetti and Roger Odin, which was originally published in French in 1990.