Messages de Rogue Scholar

Science & PoliticsBiologieAnglais
Publié in Reciprocal Space
Auteur Stephen Curry

The Free Speech Union (FSU) has published an article about my open letter to the Royal Society regarding the evident contraventions of its code of conduct by one of their Fellows, Elon Musk FRS. Unfortunately, Frederick Attenborough’s piece contains errors, omissions and speculative rhetoric which together contrive to misconstrue the meaning and intent of my letter.

AktuellesDiamond Open AccessSeDOAAutres sciences socialesAllemand
Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert den Aufbau einer nationalen Servicestelle für Diamond Open Access in Deutschland. Unter dem Akronym SeDOA entsteht während der ersten dreijährigen Förderphase eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für das Publizieren im Diamond Open Access (DOA). Diamond Open Access (DOA) meint das Publizieren im Open Access ohne Gebühren/Kosten für Autor*innen und Leser*innen.

SciencePublic PolicyBiotechnologyAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Evan Peikon

Over the next century, biotechnology is poised to revolutionize how we live, work, and address some of humanity's most pressing challenges. In fact, breakthroughs in biotechnology and related emerging technologies are already allowing scientists to produce targeted cancer therapies, engineer more resilient crops, create sustainable materials, and develop solutions to mitigate environmental pollution. But why now?

Médecine et sciences de la santéAnglais
Publié in André's slide box

Is digital pathology heading the same way as music streaming? For most labs, the financial and human cost of keeping the infrastructure and delivery of digital pathology in-house is probably too high. But what this will mean for research and teaching activities that rely on easy and unfettered access to data is a tricky problem. Choosing to keep some things small and local is a tool to future-proof our transition into modernity.

Langues et littératureAnglais
Publié in Martin Paul Eve

As part of my work on Knowledge Commons, I want to make more of our development process open, welcoming, and transparent, by using blogging. So I will be writing some technical posts on what I’m doing there and how I’ve overcome various technical challenges. In this post, I want to set out how I got BuddyPress notifications into a separate application (our new “Profiles” app). First: why am I doing this?

Rogue ScholarInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive has started to automatically add all blog posts to the subject area community of the blog. Rogue Scholar uses the 48 OECD Fields of Science and Technology subject areas since September 2023 and blog authors pick a subject area when they join Rogue Scholar.

MetaFediverseMastodonCommentingAutres sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

tl;dr: Blog posts here can now have a little button at the bottom that can pull in “comments” that are made by replying to a post on the Fediverse (i.e. Mastodon et al.). Some days ago, I saw the nifty little “comment” integration that FOSS Academic Robert W. Gehl has on his blog, which in turn were inspired by some other integrations.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchLiteratureIngénierie et technologieAnglais
Publié in Dual Power Supply
Auteur Kirk Pollard Smith

I added Flux XII, a US aqueous organic RFB company, R-Flo, a Ukrainian all-iron flow battery company, and Unbound Potential, a Swiss membraneless RFB startup, to the list.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesLiteratureIngénierie et technologieAnglais
Publié in Dual Power Supply
Auteur Kirk Pollard Smith

Allegro Energy When one door redox flow battery startup closes [1], another one opens: with zinc-bromine flow battery company Redflow having closed down within the past year, another Australian RFB startup emerges [2]; [3]. I am attempting the 100 Days To Offload challenge, and this is post #20. References [1] Redflow was the great hope of australian manufacturing. Its collapse left customers with broken batteries, (n.d.).

Elektronisches PublizierenNeuigkeitenOpen AccessProjektVeranstaltungSciences socialesAllemand
Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Auteur Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Diamond Open Access auf dem Weg in die Verstetigung: Am 15. Januar 2025 ist in Madrid der European Diamond Capacity Hub offiziell ins Leben gerufen worden. Alle Akteure rund um das Diamond Open Access Publizieren – institutionelle Publikationsservice, -infrastruktur und -technikanbieter – erhalten darüber für ihre Arbeit praktische und fundierte Unterstützung in mehreren Sprachen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden diese Angebote vorgestellt.