Messages de Rogue Scholar

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Alexander Titus

It wasn’t the machines that terrified me—it was the mirrors. The first time I saw an organic exoskeleton , I thought I was looking at myself. Same face, same build, even the faint scar above my left eyebrow from when I fell off my bike as a kid. But it wasn’t me. It couldn’t be. I touched my forehead instinctively. The clone mimicked the motion, its expression blank, its eyes devoid of the humanity I thought I recognized.

Publié in Alex Holcombe's blog
Auteur Alex O. Holcombe

Much has been said about how expensive academic journals are. Large companies like Elsevier, Sage, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley publish most of the major journals, and their shareholders pocket much of the “rent” they receive thanks to academics’ labor. There are alternatives. One of them is based on Wikipedia, whose process for vetting information is more transparent than that of most journals.

Lab ReportAIBiasEvaluationGenAIHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Publié in DH Lab
Auteur Sarah Oberbichler

by Johanna Mauermann and Sarah Oberbichler When it comes to analysing large collections of historical documents – like digitized historical newspapers – language models are incredibly powerful tools. But as these technologies become more common in humanities research, scholars also need to think critically about how they use them. One big question researchers face when using language models for their analysis is about bias.

Rogue ScholarNewsletterInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Front Matter

This is the first issue of a new monthly newsletter from the Rogue Scholar science blog archive. The newsletter will report on new blogs that have joined the platform, important technical updates in Rogue Scholar infrastructure, community updates, and other news relevant to Rogue Scholar users.Blogs added to Rogue Scholar Seven blogs were added in January.

Publié in BIOgarabatos

¿Quieres hacer tu servicio social en línea trabajando con información, datos o literatura científica digital y hacer procesamiento, análisis o visualización para la investigación y la enseñanza de las biociencias? Ya está abierta la convocatoria para todos aquellos estudiantes interesados en realizar su servicio social en el Laboratorio de Bioinformación, de apoyo a la investigación tipo formativo y profesionalizante para los estudiantes.

Publié in BIOgarabatos

Vale la pena recordar que sí queremos que los estudiantes generen trabajos con información de calidad, con citas y referencias adecuadas usando un estilo bibliográfico es indispensable hacerlo nosotros en todas las oportunidades posibles, mediante el hábito de verla, irán asimilando la importancia de la publicación académica y científica, así como el papel de las herramientas para utilizarla pertinentemente.

Digital EcosystemCultureMediaPublishingTechnologySciences humainesAnglais
Publié in Chroknowlogy
Auteur Joshua Chalifour

The Authors Guild (USA) launched its Human Authored Certification program (29 January 2025). This certification permits its members to register their written works with the Guild as having been created by a human rather than something produced by artificial intelligence (AI). These are some first thoughts I had when reading about the program and reflecting on initiatives with similar goals.

Bildung + OERCreative Commons + LizenzenGrundwissenIn Eigener SacheUrheberrechtDroitAllemand
Publié in
Auteur Redaktion

Der Zugang zu Wissen, Information und Kultur ist ein elementares Gut moderner Wissensgesellschaften. Ein neuer Leitfaden von Till Kreutzer unterstützt dabei, die richtige Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu wählen und Inhalte auf diese Weise rechtssicher zu teilen. Der Leitfaden entstand in Kooperation mit Wikimedia Deutschland und der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission. Der Leitfaden „Open Content.

Non ClasséOpen AbstractsOpen Academic AnalyticsOpen AccessOpen CitationsAutres sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

January is a strange month. After the festive whirl of December’s gatherings, it quickly shifts into the hustle and bustle of the new year’s commitments and the work that follows the holidays. For us at OpenCitations, however, it has become a tradition to take a moment at the end of this month to pause after the first hectic weeks of the year.

RSEInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Daniel S. Katz's blog

(please cite this post as Today many researchers are not only capturing new knowledge in papers; they are also creating elements of infrastructure, such as datasets, software, and services. However, traditional methods of support and evaluation haven’t made a concomitant change.