Messages de Rogue Scholar

Artificial IntelligencePublic PolicyAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Alexander Titus

I remember the first time I heard the term sovereign AI . It was one of those buzzwords that feels equal parts thrilling and ominous—a promise of autonomy wrapped in the shadow of isolation. Now, it’s a concept reshaping not just how nations think about technology but how they define themselves in a world where identity increasingly lives in code. The United States just made its stance clear.

Academic JournalsCodeDataMethodologyOpen ScienceSciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Rene Bekkers
Auteur Rene Bekkers

“Thank you for the invitation to review the manuscript you’ve received for possible publication in your journal. I will consider your request only if the data and code that produce the results reported are available in a publicly accessible repository.” This is my new default response to invitations to review manuscripts for academic journals.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesPersonalResearchIngénierie et technologieAnglais
Publié in Dual Power Supply
Auteur Kirk Pollard Smith

Snapshot The entire world if I had abundant research funding: My reality, getting rejected on grant apps and falling on icy parking lots in St. Louis: Finished my postdoc I’ve just finished a two-year postdoctoral appointment at a French national laboratory, where I embedded myself as an engineer among true chemists.

HMCMCMCAlgorithmsEducationalInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Bayesically Speaking

Introduction Remember MCMC from our series on these algorithms? Good times. We wandered through probability space like tourists with outdated maps, occasionally stumbling upon the good parts of the posterior. Then came Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), which, let’s be honest, felt like finally getting a GPS. We could actually explore the posterior, using gradients to guide our journey. It was efficient! It was elegant!

WILDLIFE NEWSBiologieAnglais
Publié in Simply Ecologist
Auteur Erzsebet Frey

A coyote was recently discovered in an unexpected place – the cold food section of an Aldi store. The wild animal was found in a surprisingly good condition given its unusual choice of location. The Unusual Discovery at Aldi Rescuing a coyote from an environment like a grocery store might sound surprising, but that’s precisely what happened. Imagine heading to your local Aldi, only to come across a wild coyote amidst the frozen food aisles.

RCommunityMaintenanceContributionsEventsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteurs Steffi LaZerte, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Yi-Chin Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, Yaoxiang Li, Hugo Gruson

This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time contributors, with the excellent moderation of Hugo Gruson.This was a perfect start to our special series of activities to support first time contributors to Open Source Software.

Publié in quantixed

How can we teach “R for cell biologists” rather than teaching R to cell biologists? I’ve noticed that many R training courses will teach R – regardless of who is taking the course – and leave it to the participants to figure out how they can use R in their own discipline.