Messages de Rogue Scholar

EntradasAcéfaloAdéspotaAnepígrafoAnónimoLangues et littératurePortugais
Publié in Lucidarios

acéfalo (adj. m.) [lat. acephălus, del gr. aképhalos, sin cabeza]. 1. Dicho de un manuscrito o impreso que ha perdido los folios iniciales (→ mútilo). | 2. Dicho de un texto que ha perdido la primera parte. (fr. acéphale, ingl. acephalous, it. acefalo, port. acéfalo) adéspota (adj. n.) [gr. adéspota, sin dueño o...

Publié in Paired Ends
Auteur Stephen Turner

Something a little different for this week’s recap. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the practice of data science education in this era of widely available (and really good!) LLMs for code. Commentary at the top based on my own data science teaching experience, with a deep dive into a few recent papers below.

Thought PiecesSciences humainesAnglais

Bibliographic databases should support innovation and experimentation. Here, we offer four criteria for innovation-friendly bibliographic databases. We urge the global research community to use databases that support and do not hinder innovation in scholarly communication and research assessment.

Galaxy EvolutionGalaxy FormationLCDMMONDPhysiqueAnglais
Publié in Triton Station

Continuing our discussion of galaxy formation and evolution in the age of JWST, we saw previously that there appears to be a population of galaxies that grew rapidly in the early universe, attaining stellar masses like those expected in a traditional monolithic model for a giant elliptical galaxy rather than a conventional hierarchical model that builds up gradually through many mergers.

Public PolicyBiotechnologyAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Alexander Titus

A Revolution Beneath the Surface In the quiet corners of fermenters and bioreactors, a revolution unfolds. It doesn’t grab headlines like rocket launches or AI breakthroughs, but its implications may ripple just as far. Biomanufacturing—the use of biological systems to produce materials, medicines, and energy—is reshaping how we live, how we work, and how we sustain ourselves.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiologieAnglais
Publié in Simply Ecologist
Auteur Erzsebet Frey

Tourists and travelers often look for unexplored and untouched destinations. It’s the thrill of experiencing something truly unique that drives us to these places. The unspoilt country, which I recently had the pleasure of visiting, is one such hidden gem. Imagine waking up to the astounding beauty of raw nature, with the unexpected surprise of having a gentle giant, an elephant, knocking on your doorstep.

Sciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Publié in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

The INFORMATE Project has combined three data sources to explore how the global research infrastructure might help the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal agencies identify and characterize the impact of their support. The data sources are the NSF Award Database, the NSF Public Access Repository (PAR), and the global research infrastructure as viewed through CHORUS.