Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Paired Ends
Auteur Stephen Turner

OpenAI introduced the ability to create custom GPTs back in November 2023. I wanted to try to create one of these, and in the spirit of learning in public this post describes how I made it. But first, what does it do?Gene Info Custom GPT Gene Info custom GPT The Gene Info custom GPT takes a list of human gene symbols as input.

DINIElektronisches PublizierenForschungsinformationen & SystemeBarcelona DeclarationSciences socialesAllemand
Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Auteur Christian Hauschke

Die Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information Im April 2024 wurde die Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information veröffentlicht, in der erklärt wird, was offene Forschungsinformationen sind und darauf aufbauend vier Selbstverpflichtungen der Unterzeichnenden aufgestellt und erläutert werden. Zuerst einmal: Was sind offene Forschungsinformationen?

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

The Hyperfixed Podcast had a lovely episode recently about tape measures. It started from “why does my tape measure seem to always be off a little bit” and went all the way to the inherent limitations of physical measurement at small scales. In there is an awesome quote by Adam Savage, “I had always had faith in the sanctity and solidity of numbers… and when I got into this… I realized there’s no such thing as a measurement.

Galaxy EvolutionGalaxy FormationJWSTLCDMMONDPhysiqueAnglais
Publié in Triton Station

This post continues the series summarizing our ApJ paper on high redshift galaxies. To keep it finite, I will focus here on the growth of stellar mass. The earlier post discussed what we expect in theory. This depends both on mass assembly (slow in LCDM, fast in MOND), how the assembled mass is converted into stars, and how those stars shine in light we can detect.

LLMsAIAgentsSciences naturellesAnglais
Publié in Chris von Csefalvay
Auteur Chris von Csefalvay

When he first began his excavations at what is today Hisarlik in modern-day Türkiye, Heinrich Schliemann set out to find a single city – the city of Homer’s Iliad, a city many actually felt lay in the realms of fiction rather than any map he could lay his hands on. By the time excavations were over, Schliemann would find not one but nine cities, all built on top of each other. 1 In that, he found something relatively common – cities

OpenstreetmapOpen KnowledgeDockerMybinderJupyterhubAutres sciences socialesAnglais

A small map-extract of Venado Tuerto over four time points in 2024, showing the addition of buildings and POI. tl;dr: One can now create >2 frames in the OSM comparison GIF. And the MyBinder version can download OSM history files , no local up/downloads needed.

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Alexander Titus

Good morning, Today is the first Friday of 2025. I spent the New Year’s holiday in a backcountry hut with friends and family, reflecting on 2024 and what I’m hoping for in 2025. One of the things I’m most excited about in 2025 is to explore this intersection of technology and humanity more through the lens of science fiction. I hope you’ll indulge me for an extra TCIP edition this week to share.