Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

In this living document, I will document reactions to uses of homomorphic encryption by members of the public. By “member of the public,” I mean people who may be technical, but are not directly involved in the development or deployment of homomorphic encryption systems. This includes journalists, bloggers, aggregator comment threads, and social media posts.

PeopleRetirementMédecine et sciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Michael DeWitt

Dr. Phil Lackey is retiring from Wake Forest University School of Medicine after many years of service to the school and the community. True to his amazing character, he was on service during his final week of work. Dr. Lackey has been an instrumental part of expanding our activities in High Resolution Anoscopy(HRA) and has been a great mentor to many of our students, residents, and fellows.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiologieAnglais
Publié in Simply Ecologist
Auteur Erzsebet Frey

MeatEater Mini-Crossword: Whitetail, Vol. 2 Are you a crossword enthusiast who also loves the outdoors? If so, you’ll be thrilled with the latest installment of MeatEater Mini-Crossword: Whitetail, Vol. 2. These puzzles are not only entertaining but also uniquely tailored for those who appreciate the beauty of nature and the thrill of the hunt. H2: What Sets This Crossword Apart?

Publié in Corin Wagen

(Previously: 2022, 2023.) #1. Baldassar Castiglione, The Book of the Courier This book gets cited from time to time as a sort of historical guide to "being cool," since the characters spend some time discussing the idea of sprezzatura , basically grace or effortlessness. More interesting to me was the differences between Renaissance conceptions of virtue, character, &

Publié in Triton Station

Happy new year to those who observe the Gregorian calendar. I will write a post on the observations that test the predictions discussed last time. It has been over a quarter century since Bob Sanders correctly predicted that massive galaxies would form by z = 10, and three years since I reiterated that for what JWST would see on this blog. This is a testament to both the scientific method and the inefficiency of communication.

Research-fraudScienceResearch-integrityAcademic-publishingPeer-reviewInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Stories by Adam Day on Medium
Auteur Adam Day

TL;DR: The Papermill Alarm has grown to become a comprehensive mix of methods for detecting organised research fraud and simplifying a complex problem. But there’s something new. Something bigger and better from Clear Skies.

Philosophie, éthique et sciences des religionsAnglais
Publié in FreakTakes
Auteur Eric Gilliam

Unlike the rest of the FreakTakes ARPA series, today’s piece does not have the usual narrative structure. It is, instead, a set of personal notes cleaned up and re-structured as a post. While the post is atypical, the ARPA series would be incomplete if I did not outline the factors that mark key regime changes at the agency over time.

Citation.jsProgrammingInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Syntaxus baccata

This past year was relatively quiet for Citation.js as well. Ulex europaeus , observed December 24th, 2024, Vlieland, The Netherlands. Changes BibTeX: output of non-ASCII characters was improved. BibLaTeX: support for data annotations was added! DOI: the DOI pattern was broadened to include non-standard DOI formats. Support for ORCIDs was improved, making it possible to map authors’ ORCIDs to different formats.