Messages de Rogue Scholar

Global Health2nd National Conference On Adult Immunization And Allied Medicine Of The Indian Society For Adult ImmunizationEpistemologyIndian Society For Adult ImmunizationISAISciences de l'éducationAnglais
Publié in Reda Sadki
Auteur Reda Sadki

This article is based on my presentation about HPV vaccination at the 2nd National Conference on Adult Immunization and Allied Medicine of the Indian Society for Adult Immunization (ISAI), Science City, Kolkata, on 15 February 2025. The HPV vaccination implementation challenge The global landscape of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer prevention reveals a mix of progress and persistent challenges.

ScienceAutres sciences techniquesAnglais
Publié in The Connected Ideas Project
Auteur Evan Peikon

The Future of the American Scientific Landscape At Bell Labs, Richard Hamming was famous for challenging other researchers with a provocative question: "What are the most important problems in your field?" After listening to their response, he would follow up with, "Why aren't you working on them?" While this question continues to resonate decades later, it carries an implicit privilege – one unique to

Gesellschaft + KunstKünstliche IntelligenzPolitik + RechtSampling + RemixUrheberrechtDroitAllemand
Publié in
Auteur Jannis Lennartz und Viktoria Kraetzig

Der neue Urheberrechtskrieg tobt um Technologien Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), mit denen sich Inhalte wie von Zauberhand erstellen und verfeinern lassen. Jannis Lennartz und Viktoria Kraetzig erläutern die urheberrechtliche Lage rund um KI. Sie sehen durch den „Pinsel des 21. Jahrhunderts“ vor allem wirtschaftliche Interessen der Kulturindustrie gefährdet.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiologieAnglais
Publié in Simply Ecologist
Auteur Erzsebet Frey

ABQ BioPark International Polar Bear Day Celebration The ABQ BioPark in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has an exciting event lined up to commemorate International Polar Bear Day! The special occasion will provide guests an insight into the lives and conservation needs of polar bears, the majestic creatures that are facing increasing threats from climate change and habitat loss.

AktuellesLegal HelpdeskUrheberrechtAutres sciences socialesAllemand
Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin

Im Rahmen einer dreijährigen Projektförderung durch die VolkswagenStiftung wird am Open Research Office Berlin, angesiedelt an der Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin, ein „Legal Helpdesk“ aufgebaut und erprobt. Der Helpdesk stellt eine niedrigschwellige Anlaufstelle für Forschende aus Berliner Wissenschafts- und Kulturerbe-Einrichtungen dar, die dort bei rechtlichen Fragestellungen Hilfe und Unterstützung erhalten können.

CFPsCFPs JournalsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Publié in CST Online
Auteur CSTonline

Co-editors: Gábor Gergely, Júlia Havas, Victoria K. Pistivsek What is “Europe”? The term is far from self-evident. The emerging canon of Eastern European decolonial sociological scholarship shows that Europe is the product of the far-reaching legacies of global colonialism and ongoing ideological, cultural, and geopolitical contestations (Baker et al. 2024; Boatcă and Parvulescu 2020;

Sciences de la santéAnglais
Publié in JP's blog
Auteur JP Monteagudo

what are packages? R packages are collections of code, data, and documentation that extend R’s functionality beyond its core features. If you have an idea or notice a gap in the existing ecosystem, you can develop a package, test it, document it, and share it with the broader R community. You can distribute your package through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) 1 (CRAN) or GitHub.

Sciences de l'éducationAnglais

Last year I had a brief keynote (here is the blog that I wrote about it) at TU Delft Library during Open Education Week. In the meantime I started as Director General of KB | The National Library. There is much that I learned about us as National Library. It is a wonderful place to be and to work for. And how do I stand in the things I put forward one year ago?