Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

A coyote was recently discovered in an unexpected place – the cold food section of an Aldi store. The wild animal was found in a surprisingly good condition given its unusual choice of location. The Unusual Discovery at Aldi Rescuing a coyote from an environment like a grocery store might sound surprising, but that’s precisely what happened. Imagine heading to your local Aldi, only to come across a wild coyote amidst the frozen food aisles.

RCommunityMaintenanceContributionsEventsCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Publicados in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autores Steffi LaZerte, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Yi-Chin Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, Yaoxiang Li, Hugo Gruson

This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time contributors, with the excellent moderation of Hugo Gruson.This was a perfect start to our special series of activities to support first time contributors to Open Source Software.

Publicados in quantixed

How can we teach “R for cell biologists” rather than teaching R to cell biologists? I’ve noticed that many R training courses will teach R – regardless of who is taking the course – and leave it to the participants to figure out how they can use R in their own discipline.

Open AccessOpen ScienceUrheberrechtWissenschaftskommunikationCiências SociaisAlemão
Publicados in

Dieser Blogpost dokumentiert zentrale Aussagen zu Open-Science-Themen in den Parteiprogrammen zur Bundestagswahl 2025 am 23. Februar 2025 von AFD, BSW, CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Grünen und Linke. AFD Im Wahlprogramm der AFD (PDF) wird Open Science nicht spezifisch adressiert.

ROpen-sourcePackage DevelopmentDOIOutra medicina humana e ciências da saúdeInglês
Publicados in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Autores Joshua Lambert, Chris Hartgerink

Note This is a follow-up blog post to the Dual licensing R packages with code and data post published in September 2024. It contains learnings from submitting epiparameter to CRAN with a dual license. Overview of previous blog post on R package licensing We previously published a post on the Epiverse-TRACE blog discussing the importance of licensing code and data for open source.

CommunityCode Of ConductGovernanceCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Publicados in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autores Yanina Bellini Saibene, Mark Padgham, Natalia Morandeira

Maintaining Community Trust and Safety The rOpenSci community is supported by our Code of Conductwith a clear description of unacceptable behaviors,instructions on how to make a report,and information on how reports are handled.We, the Code of Conduct Committee,are responsible for receiving, investigating, deciding,enforcing and reporting on all reports of potential violations of our Code.We are committed to transparency with our community

BooksCiências NaturaisInglês
Publicados in Biopragmatics
Autor Charles Tapley Hoyt

Here’s the books I read in 2024. If I were Dudley Dursley, I’d be very upset that I read one fewer new book than in 2023. But then, I’d remember that I re-read a lot of Cosmere in 2024 to prepare for Wind and Truth , which was great.