Rogue Scholar Gönderileri

R-universeDocumentationBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Yazarlar Maëlle Salmon, Jeroen Ooms, Noam Ross

Since the initial launch in 2021, our R-universe platform has steadily grown into a comprehensive infrastructure for publishing and discovering R material.As functionality keeps evolving and community adoption increases, we felt the need for a central documentation point.

BioliteraturaPE203625BIOliteratura📘BiologiaPlan2025Biyolojik Bilimlerİspanyolca
Yayınlandı in BIOgarabatos

Como parte del proyecto PAPIME Competencias para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de bioliteratura: Una intervención estratégica hemos generado una colección digital y libre de la bibliografía de las materias obligatoria el nuevo plan de estudios de biología 2025 en el gestor de referencias Zotero disponible en el enlace siguiente

PapersBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Paired Ends
Yazar Stephen Turner

This week’s recap highlights Verkko2 for T2T genome assembly, the GPN-MSA DNA language model trained on multispecies alignments for variant effect prediction that outperforms other methods like CADD, ESM-1b, phyloP, phastCons, nucleotide transformer, and HyenaDNA, fast orthology inference with FastOMA, a foundation model of transcription across cell types, and engineering CRISPR-Cas PAM sites using deep learning.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Simply Ecologist
Yazar Erzsebet Frey

Dartmoor Wild Boar Sightings: A New Chapter in Guerrilla Rewilding? Wild Boars Spotted in Dartmoor Dartmoor, a scenic and rugged area in the southwest of England, has unexpectedly become the center of attention due to sightings of wild boars. The appearance of these enigmatic creatures has ignited discussions and speculation about the possibility of guerrilla rewilding efforts in the region. What is Guerrilla Rewilding?

Global HealthAI PodcastImmunization Agenda 2030IndiaISAIEğitim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Reda Sadki

This is an AI podcast featuring two hosts discussing an article by Reda Sadki titled “New Ways to Learn and Lead HPV Vaccination: Bridging Planning and Implementation Gaps.” The conversational format involves the AI hosts taking turns explaining key points and sharing insights about Sadki’s work on HPV vaccination strategies.

AquilopsArtBig Tough Sauropodologists Throwing Away Their DignityBrian EnghStinkin' OrnithischiansYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre
Yayınlandı in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Aquilops turned 10 years old in December. For all of that time, I’ve been waiting for Aquilops toys. I mean COME ON people, it’s an adorable little cat-ceratops, the only one of its kind so far in North America, how do we have multiple toys of Kaprosuchus and no Aquilops yet?

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in iPhylo

For a while now I’ve been exploring ways to navigate through DNA barcodes. Over the years I’ve built various “toys” to explore barcodes, such as Displaying a million DNA barcodes on Google Maps using CouchDB, built a small scale browser using Elastic search that had some succes, and discovered that Postgres can search for DNA sequences and it’s really fast.

EntradasAdiciónAntígrafoAparato CríticoChrysoCollateDiller ve Edebiyatİspanyolca
Yayınlandı in Lucidarios

En la última entrada sobre ChrysoCollate explicaba cómo reducir la cantidad de notas en el aparato crítico utilizando la configuración de las entradas del aparato crítico. Antes de realizar la selectio de las lecciones, proceso que cubriré en las próximas entradas, en esta entrada describiré una estrategia adicional para reducir el aparato crítico. Los errores son un elemento inescapable en el proceso de copia de textos.

OA NewsDeutscher Bibliotheksverband (dbv)Open Library BadgeOpen-Access-TransformationDiğer Sosyal BilimlerAlmanca
Yayınlandı in Open Access Brandenburg
Yazar Team OA Brandenburg

Es gibt Neuigkeiten zum Open Library Badge, einem Qualitätssiegel für Offenheit in Bibliotheken. Seit Februar 2025 ist die Initiative, die im vergangenen Jahr den ENTER-Award in der Kategorie „Kooperation“ erhielt, als Arbeitsgruppe beim Deutschen Bibliotheksverband (dbv) angesiedelt. Die bisher Aktiven sind Teil der Arbeitsgruppe. Weitere Interessierte sind ausdrücklich zur Mitwirkung eingeladen.