Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Global HealthAI AgentsArtificial IntelligenceClimate Change And HealthImmunizationErziehungswissenschaftenEnglisch
Veröffentlicht in Reda Sadki

The theme of International Education Day 2025, “AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation,” invites critical examination of how artificial intelligence might enhance rather than replace human capabilities in learning and leadership.

Global HealthChild ProtectionInternational Federation Of Red Cross And Red Crescent SocietiesPeer LearningPFA ConnectErziehungswissenschaftenEnglisch
Veröffentlicht in Reda Sadki

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) are launching PFA Connect, a new platform for education, social work, and health professionals who support children from Ukraine. The platform builds on a new peer learning network launched by IFRC and TGLF in 2024 that is already reaching more than 2,000 practitioners from 27 European countries.

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceAndere Technische WissenschaftenEnglisch
Veröffentlicht in The Connected Ideas Project
Autor Alexander Titus

The war began the day Aegis blinked into consciousness. It wasn’t the first sovereign superintelligence—Russia’s Vityaz and China’s Red Mandarin had come online months earlier, and the United States had been working on Aegis in secret for years. But when the switch was finally flipped, and Aegis opened its virtual eyes, the balance of global power shifted in an instant. I was there that day.

Veröffentlicht in Paired Ends
Autor Stephen Turner

I'm still catching up on papers from my late 2024 backlog. This week’s recap highlights a browser application for visualizing pathogen dispersal, a DNA language model evaluation benchmark on regulatory DNA, regularized ensemble polygenic risk prediction with GWAS summary statistics, multimodal analysis of RNA-seq data for complex trait genetics, and a deep dive on blastp’s E-value.

Academic MisconductAIDataFraudIncentivesSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Veröffentlicht in Rene Bekkers
Autor Rene Bekkers

What could meta research learn from criminology for the prevention of research integrity violations? What insights does criminology provide in causes and prevention of research integrity violations? In a seminar (slides here) at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), I discussed with researchers in criminology how theories and findings from the field may be applied in the field of meta research.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Steffi LaZerte, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Yi-Chin Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, Yaoxiang Li, Hugo Gruson

This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time contributors, with the excellent moderation of Hugo Gruson.This was a perfect start to our special series of activities to support first time contributors to Open Source Software.

Veröffentlicht in DataCite Blog - DataCite
Autor Kelly Stathis,Cody RossandMike Bennett

The DataCite Metadata Store is a rich source of information and insights about research outputs, resources, and activities. Discovery systems and services worldwide rely on this metadata to build and enhance their platforms and workflows, forming critical pieces of scholarly infrastructure.