Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Publicado in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

American Bald Eagles: Ecological and Cultural Resurgence The resurgence of the American bald eagle serves as a remarkable ecological comeback story and a celebration of cultural heritage. Once teetering on the brink of extinction, largely due to environmental challenges and human interference, these majestic birds of prey have made a triumphant return to the skies over North America.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés
Publicado in Martin Paul Eve

Dark times at the moment. Authoritarianism is on the rise everywhere and censorship regimes become ever more common. None of the material on my blog is particularly sensitive. Some two decades out-of-date information security stuff, posts about English literature, some posts about health, and posts about scholarly communication. It’s not really the kind of stuff that will get me in trouble.

UrheberrechtWissen + Open AccessWissenschaftEntstellungLeyAlemán
Publicado in
Autor Lea Singson

Wissenschaftliche Texte mit einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu versehen, heißt nicht, das Urheberrecht am Werk aufzugeben. Das ist wichtig, denn das Urheberrecht schützt vor Entstellung. Lea Singson erläutert, was gegen den missbräuchlichen Einsatz von wissenschaftlichen Werken hilft. Was tun, wenn Forschung für die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien missbraucht wird?

CommunityInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor The rOpenSci Team

At rOpenSci, our mission is to and we achieve this through We feel it is a time to reiterate and clarify why this is and what it means. The open in open source and open science means more than how we share code or data.It means knocking down the barriers to participation so that it is open and accessible to all,that everyone can join in the benefits and joys of science, and removing our blinders to the humanity of those we previously missed.

Ciencias de la EducaciónInglés
Publicado in Observations, Opinions & Opens

I started as the KB’s new Director General last September and, since then, I’ve met many colleagues and reported on our exchanges in this column. These visits were invaluable to me and I hope you also enjoyed the glimpses behind the scenes at the KB. How hard everyone works to meet our missions! I cannot help but think about all the customers we delight when we find an item that they had long been searching for.

Lab LifeResearchInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

In my PhD research, I look at DataRescue or Data Refuge movements, for example through the work of the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) (“Environmental Data & Governance Initiative” n.d.) to understand how people respond when they fear data is at risk.

Lab LifeInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

The Ambassadors for Open Science program of the Berlin University Alliance, BUA aims to promote the knowledge and application of Open Science in various subjects.