Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

LLMRetrieval Augmented GenerationOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Autor Aaron Tay

Summary (summarised by Gemini 2.0-exp) We often think of AI-generated 'hallucinations' as blatant errors, but what happens when a RAG system produces information that's factually true but not explicitly stated in its sources?

AktuellesAllgemeinOpen ResearchOpen AccessCreative CommonsOtras Ciencias SocialesAlemán
Publicado in Open Access Blog Berlin

Der Zugang zu Wissen, Information und Kultur ist ein elementares Gut moderner Wissensgesellschaften. Ein neuer Leitfaden von Till Kreutzer unterstützt dabei, die richtige Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu wählen und Inhalte auf diese Weise rechtssicher zu teilen. Der Leitfaden entstand in Kooperation mit Wikimedia Deutschland und der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission. Der Leitfaden „Open Content.

DINIForschungsinformationen & SystemeIdentitfierUmfrageCiencias SocialesAlemán
Publicado in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Im Juni 2024 rief der HeOSP-Verbund zur Teilnahme an einer Umfrage zu Identifiern für Forschungsinformationssysteme auf ( An dieser Umfrage beteiligten sich 28 Personen über den online-Zugang und weitere 10 Personen über persönliche Befragung Insgesamt konnten 16 vollständige und valide Antworten ausgewertet werden.

Software LifecyclesRR PackageSoftware DesignDOIOtras ciencias de la salud y medicina humanaInglés
Publicado in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Autores James Mba Azam, Hugo Gruson, Sebastian Funk

Most of our work at Epiverse TRACE involves either developing an R package from scratch or adopting and maintaining an existing R package. In the former case, decision-making during development is guided by internal policies documented in the Epiverse-TRACE blueprints. However, a less common scenario for us has been taking on the maintenance of an existing package — a situation we recently encountered with the bpmodels R package.

Artes VisualesSin CategoríaHumanidadesInglés
Publicado in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

Youko Marian Horiuchi Beltrán, DR © Ilustración digital Ciudad de México, octubre 2021 Sitio de la autora Redes sociales de la artista Instagram Esta es una reproducción digital, con fines de divulgación, de una obra original proporcionada por su autor o propietario. Todos los derechos están reservados por la artista.

Joshua TreeMusicWikipediaAppleApple ParkIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Publicado in O'Really?

Any list of 100 best anything is going to be riddled with biases, flaws and omissions, but here’s a list of albums you might enjoy listening to from I’ve posted them here because my family are listening to three albums a week throughout 2025, and discussing them as we go. The albums are listed in reverse order of “greatness“ below, as we’re starting from the top.

BlogsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Publicado in CST Online
Autor Ellie McFarlane

In the 1960s and 70s, US TV networks were broadcasting a plethora of situation comedies, many of which featured families in a variety of shapes and sizes [1]. Child actors were integral to these programs, and part of their job was to perform the genre’s comedic conventions, make the audience laugh, and help sitcoms appeal to a family audience.

BlogsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Publicado in CST Online
Autor Melissa Beattie

Science fiction and comedy are often used for social commentary and animated sf/fantasy sitcom Futurama (Fox 1999-2003, Comedy Central 2008-2013, Netflix 2023-) is no exception.  For those unfamiliar with the series, it is an animated workplace sitcom with science fiction elements (cf Geraghty, 2009).