Messages de Rogue Scholar

CosmologyDark MatterGalaxy EvolutionGalaxy FormationJWSTPhysiqueAnglais
Publié in Triton Station

This is what I hope will be the final installment in a series of posts describing the results published in McGaugh et al. (2024). I started by discussing the timescale for galaxy formation in LCDM and MOND which leads to different and distinct predictions. I then discussed the observations that constrain the growth of stellar mass over cosmic time and the related observation of stellar populations that are mature for the age of the universe.

R TILBiologieAnglais
Publié in Paired Ends
Auteur Stephen Turner

Last year I wrote a post describing an R package I put together that fetches recent bioRxiv preprints from a given subject and summarizes them in a couple of sentences using a local LLM running through Ollama: That tool has a limitation in that it’s using the bioRxiv RSS feed to pull recent paper titles and abstracts, and the RSS feeds currently only provide the 30 most recent preprints in each subject area.

Sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Leiden Madtrics

Open science initiatives have increased the amount of (openly) available research data. Such data are often shared with the idea that they will be reused, although reuse is far from being guaranteed. Working to bridge the distance between data producers and data consumers has been suggested as one possible way to facilitate the reuse of existing data supplies.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

A colleague of mine recently lent a hand implementing a polynomial approximation routine I could port to our compiler, though it wasn’t the method I was expecting. As I had written about previously, I was studying the Remez algorithm and implementing a prototype in Python. Remez approximation involves an iterated loop that alternates between root-finding and linear-system solving, and as such it can be rather brittle and difficult.

LLMsAIAgentsSciences naturellesAnglais
Publié in Chris von Csefalvay
Auteur Chris von Csefalvay

If you spend any time on LinkedIn, it’s almost a certainty that you have come across a bevy of alleged ‘agentic AI architectures’. They all look something like this: All very neat, but the audience might be forgiven for asking what exactly is agentic about this, except for relabeling subprocesses in what is a run-of-the-mill RPA workflow as ‘agents’. And the audience is, this once, perfectly right.

DEIInclusionDiversityEquitySparcAutres sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Science that’s not just made by and for white men is under more-than-usual attack these days, thanks to the new administration in the USA under the leadership of Trump/Musk, which made a directive to remove all mentions and funding for initiatives relating to diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) on January 22, 2025.

BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Publié in CST Online
Auteur Toby Steiner, Sarah Lahm, and Kim Akass

First of all, a happy New Year – we at CSTonline hope you have all had a good winter break. And while we certainly agree with more pessimistic assessments that see 2025 as not looking to be off to a promising start – with everything happening in the world right now – we are of the conviction that we can’t just throw our hands in the air and give in to resignation.