Messages de Rogue Scholar

Sciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Publié in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

The INFORMATE Project has combined three data sources to explore how the global research infrastructure might help the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal agencies identify and characterize the impact of their support. The data sources are the NSF Award Database, the NSF Public Access Repository (PAR), and the global research infrastructure as viewed through CHORUS.

Gesellschaft + KunstPolitik + RechtUrheberrechtFrida KahloGemeinfreiheitDroitAllemand
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Auteur Redaktion

Zum Jahreswechsel läuft der urheberrechtliche Schutz von Werken der jeweils vor siebzig Jahre verstorbenen Urheber*innen aus. Auch 2025 gehen wieder zahlreiche Werke in die Gemeinfreiheit über, unter anderem von Frida Kahlo und Henri Matisse. Unterschiedliche Schutzdauern erschweren jedoch die Gemeinfreiheit. Jedes Jahr am 1. Januar ist der „Tag der Gemeinfreiheit“ – im englischen Sprachraum auch als „Public Domain Day“ bekannt.

Sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Leiden Madtrics

Introduction Independent 10 researchers are a diverse category of researchers, from those who want to pursue their own path to the ones who are struggling to stay within the competitive world of academia. We define independent researchers broadly as people who conduct research without an institutional affiliation.

Large Language ModelRetrieval Augmented GenerationAutres sciences socialesAnglais
Publié in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Auteur Aaron Tay

I recently gave a 1 hour talk to the Chinese American Librarians Association(CALA) Asia Pacific Chapter on my favourite topic - How "AI" is changing academic searchI have being giving many versions of this talk both internally in my institution (to librarians) and externally for almost two years and it has always been very tricky to do well.This is because I believe for librarians to really appreciate and engage with all the changes that what

Publié in Irish Plants
Auteur Jake Dalzell

Last year was a big one for me, where my life changed in two major ways. One is that I started seriously studying plant pathogens, which I have found I have a deep passion for and know I want to study for the forseeable future. The other is that I graduated from university. I have made some exciting finds this year.

Publié in Jeremy Monat, PhD

Exploring other cheminformatics toolkits besides the RDKit, I wanted to try EPAM Indigo Toolkit. The Indigo Toolkit is free and open-source with Apache License 2.0, so it can be used in proprietary software. I was unable to find simple examples of drawing molecules in a Python Jupyter Notebook, so here’s how to do that. This post also demonstrates how to save molecular images to a file.