Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Ciências SociaisInglês
Publicados in Leiden Madtrics
Autores Louise Bezuidenhout, Thed van Leeuwen, Francesca Morselli

The transition towards open research practices has been a longstanding priority for Dutch academics. Over the last decade, the bottom-up support for open research practices has been accompanied by consolidated, national-level support. This country-level initiative has resulted in the 2017 National Plan for Open Science (NPOS) and the 2022 Open Science in 2030 in the Netherlands.

ForschungPraktischCiências SociaisAlemão
Publicados in Forschung: Migration, Integration und Zusammenleben
Autor Projektteam

Factsheet #2 | 2025 Soziale Begegnungen und die Verfügbarkeit von Gemeinschaftsorten können das Zusammenleben und Integrationsprozesse beeinflussen. Um Begegnungen zu ermöglichen braucht es unterschiedliche Orte der Zusammenkunft. Klein- und Mittelstädte stehen dabei vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Handlungsimpulse Ambivalenzen von Begegnungen bedenken Begegnungen im Alltag können spontan oder geplant erfolgen und eine große Bandbreite unterschiedlicher Formen annehmen. […]

AllgemeinDatenschutz + SicherheitGenerative KIKünstliche IntelligenzNewsDireitoAlemão
Publicados in
Autor Lea Singson

Neue KI-Verordnung, Datenschutz- oder Urheberrecht: Bei der Arbeit mit Künstlicher Intelligenz bestehen einige juristische Stolpersteine. Helfen kann die neue Handreichung von Till Kreutzer zu Rechtsfragen beim Einsatz von generativer KI in gemeinnützigen Organisationen. Technologien Künstlicher Intelligenz simulieren mit statistischer Wahrscheinlichkeitsberechnung menschlichen Ausdruck.

Interesting ChemistryQuímicaInglês
Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Starting around 2016, journal publishers started including mandatory “Data Availability” statements as part of research articles; a typical (dated) example is linked here, including guidelines for how to cite the data itself. I wrote about these aspects last year in a blog post for the RSC journal Digital Discovery[cite]10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dz2dv[/cite] and here I follow up with more news.

RTidyverseGgplotGisMapsCiência políticaInglês
Publicados in Andrew Heiss's blog

On Bluesky the other day, I came across this neat post that suggested using a histogram as a plot legend to provide additional context for the data being shown: Here’s a closer comparison of those two maps (click to zoom): This histogram legend is especially useful for choropleth maps where units like counties are sized differently, which can create an illusion of a different distribution.

Shiny Digital FutureStinkin' PublishersCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês
Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Clarivate is the content-hoarding corporation that owns ProQuest, the Web of Science and EndNote, among many other services widely used in academia. Plus a ton of content. Today’s announcement, “Introducing ProQuest Digital Collections, a new library subscription offering unparalleled breadth, value and access”, sounds nice, doesn’t it? And the first few paragraphs are certainly full of praise for the changes they’re making.

Publicados in BIOgarabatos

Proyecto PAPIME PE203625 Competencias para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de bioliteratura: Una intervención estratégica 2025-2026 Nos han aprobado un proyecto PAPIME para los siguientes dos años, los proyectos Programas de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación para el Mejoramiento de la Enseñanza de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), son iniciativas destinadas a fomentar la investigación y la innovación en la enseñanza a nivel

3QsCommunity EngagementHealth CommunicationResearchCiências SociaisInglês
Publicados in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab
Autor ScholCommLab

Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing. This post introduces Belen Febres-Cordero , the new manager of the ScholCommLab. In this interview, Belen shares what excites her about her work, both inside and outside the lab, and two pieces of advice from childhood that have shaped her curious and lively approach to research and life.

TagMeOutras ciências sociaisInglês
Publicados in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

In mid-2024, I’ve moved back to using vim as my main text editor, both for code and prose like this blog post. Something like 15 years ago I had dabbled a bit with vim, but never much more than being able to perform simple edits and get the hang of the hjkl navigation. Good enough to quickly make minor edits from any shell, but not a whole lot more.

Science & PoliticsBiologiaInglês
Publicados in Reciprocal Space
Autor Stephen Curry

The Free Speech Union (FSU) has published an article about my open letter to the Royal Society regarding the evident contraventions of its code of conduct by one of their Fellows, Elon Musk FRS. Unfortunately, Frederick Attenborough’s piece contains errors, omissions and speculative rhetoric which together contrive to misconstrue the meaning and intent of my letter.

AktuellesDiamond Open AccessSeDOAOutras ciências sociaisAlemão
Publicados in Open Access Blog Berlin

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert den Aufbau einer nationalen Servicestelle für Diamond Open Access in Deutschland. Unter dem Akronym SeDOA entsteht während der ersten dreijährigen Förderphase eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für das Publizieren im Diamond Open Access (DOA). Diamond Open Access (DOA) meint das Publizieren im Open Access ohne Gebühren/Kosten für Autor*innen und Leser*innen.