Rogue Scholar Gönderileri

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yayınlandı in CST Online
Yazar Toby Steiner, Sarah Lahm, and Kim Akass

First of all, a happy New Year – we at CSTonline hope you have all had a good winter break. And while we certainly agree with more pessimistic assessments that see 2025 as not looking to be off to a promising start – with everything happening in the world right now – we are of the conviction that we can’t just throw our hands in the air and give in to resignation.

Science FictionArtificial IntelligenceDiğer Mühendislik ve Teknolojilerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in The Connected Ideas Project
Yazar Alexander Titus

I didn’t expect the announcement to come in the form of a press release. For a moment, I thought it was a hoax. A single line, broadcast simultaneously across every major network, platform, and device, written with almost mocking simplicity: “The Nobel Turing Challenge has been solved. Quantum computing and energy abundance are here.

Yayınlandı in Math ∩ Programming
Yazar Jeremy Kun

Back in 2020, when I worked in the supply chain side of Google, I had a fun and impactful side project related to human-level explanations of linear programs. A linear program is a mathematical model that defines some number of variables, linear constraints, and a linear objective function. When some variables are forced to be integer (ILPs), you can solve a lot of useful problems like scheduling, routing, and packing.

TecnologiaEducativaBiyolojik Bilimlerİspanyolca
Yayınlandı in BIOgarabatos

Este año estoy preparando los contenidos para el curso de tecnología educativa versión 2025.  La tecnología informática en la educación es un tema actual y en evolución se refiere al uso de herramientas, recursos y técnicas tecnológicas digitales disponibles a través de la Web por medio de dispositivos electrónicos como la computadora persona para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Simply Ecologist
Yazar Erzsebet Frey

American Bald Eagles: Ecological and Cultural Resurgence The resurgence of the American bald eagle serves as a remarkable ecological comeback story and a celebration of cultural heritage. Once teetering on the brink of extinction, largely due to environmental challenges and human interference, these majestic birds of prey have made a triumphant return to the skies over North America.

Diller ve Edebiyatİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Martin Paul Eve

Dark times at the moment. Authoritarianism is on the rise everywhere and censorship regimes become ever more common. None of the material on my blog is particularly sensitive. Some two decades out-of-date information security stuff, posts about English literature, some posts about health, and posts about scholarly communication. It’s not really the kind of stuff that will get me in trouble.

UrheberrechtWissen + Open AccessWissenschaftEntstellungHukukAlmanca
Yayınlandı in
Yazar Lea Singson

Wissenschaftliche Texte mit einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu versehen, heißt nicht, das Urheberrecht am Werk aufzugeben. Das ist wichtig, denn das Urheberrecht schützt vor Entstellung. Lea Singson erläutert, was gegen den missbräuchlichen Einsatz von wissenschaftlichen Werken hilft. Was tun, wenn Forschung für die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien missbraucht wird?